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Hearing and Proclaiming the Message of Scripture A Seminar on Preaching from the Old Testament

Jan 30, 2023
Langley, BC

If corporate worship, at its core, involves an audience with God, then the goal of Christian preaching should be to ensure that people who gather for worship hear God’s voice. Grasping the message that the authors of Scripture intended to proclaim is foundational to preaching. And for preachers, being grasped by that same message ourselves is essential. For this to happen there is no substitute for inductively wrestling with the texts of Scripture—including First Testament texts, all of which are our Scriptures.

The aim of this seminar is to engage in practical discussion of interpretive strategies that will open unbelievable doors to divine revelation and excite us to proclaim that message to the people God has placed in our charge.

Daniel I. Block

Dan and his wife Ellen were each nurtured in the faith by the Mennonite Brethren Conference in Canada. Over the past five decades, they have had the joy of fellowship and ministry in multiple denominations, most recently College Church in Wheaton, Illinois.

Dr. Block’s research and ministry has been shaped by Ezra 7:10: “He committed himself to the study the Torah of Yahweh, to put it into practice, and to teach his revealed will in Israel.” This statement requires us to constantly ask serious questions of the Scriptures: What does the text say? Why does the text say it like that? What did the text mean to the original audience? What does the text have to say to me today? To answer these questions we need to understand both the worlds out of which the biblical texts arose and the worlds in which we moderns live.

Gunther H. Knoedler Professor Emeritus of Old Testament at Wheaton College

Daniel I. Block, PhD

Gunther H. Knoedler Professor Emeritus of Old Testament at Wheaton College


Hosted at North Langley Community Church, this event is designed for pastors or church leaders who preach or teach.
Monday, January 30 from 9:00 am – 4:30 pm
Registration is $150 per person