New Students Qualify for BOGO
New graduate students can qualify for BOGO!*
New graduate students can qualify for BOGO!*
MB Seminary invites applications for the following positions:
MB Seminary is actively searching for a Director of Advancement to provide entrepreneurial, strategic, and operational leadership to the advancement and development initiatives of our organization. Refer to the position description for more information as well as the following documents: MB Seminary’s 2023 Provincial Conference Report MB Seminary’s 2022 Impact Report MB Seminary’s 2021 Impact Report […]
Dr. Riad Kassis: Global Theological Education and the Development of Majority World Church
How can the church today participate in God’s mission to reconcile all things to himself through Jesus Christ? This course explores how a Trinitarian missional theology, as reflected through the
biblical narrative, shapes the church’s identity and calling to witness to the good news of Jesus through its life, actions, and words.
MB Seminary Launches New Centre for Spiritual Care
Appreciating the highs and lows, the work of God, and the works of people, is largely a function of entering the story. In this course, students will talk about the MB Story. As the class journeys together, each person will enter the story and discern how it is part of God’s story. It is still being written, so each person will need to prepare to write their portions together.
ACTS Seminaries Update 2024
This workshop provides Christian leaders with a biblical perspective on planning within ministry organizations, the skills to develop a shared vision for ministry, and a set of practical planning and execution tools for making progress towards that vision.