New Student, Free Courses
Start your seminary experience with two free courses!*
Start your seminary experience with two free courses!*
What practices does your church use to introduce people to Jesus and equip them to be disciples? In this workshop, learners will explore how we can live missionally—to live and share Jesus wherever we go, whether interacting with unbelieving family, friends, neighbours, or co-workers. We’ll also consider how to grow 11 essential elements to move our churches toward greater disciple-making effectiveness.
Jesus established his church, and pronounced that the gates of hell will not prevail against it. (Matthew 16:18) In case anyone needs to be reminded, this is not a statement about the defensive strength of the church Christ is building, but rather a statement reflecting that the church will grow and prevail. Gates are portals […]
In this course, we will seek to place the Gospel of Mark in its historical, cultural, and literary contexts. We will examine closely the various portraits of Jesus that Mark highlights and focus on a careful literary and theological study of the book with the goal of understanding the text and applying it to the present context.
How do the Scriptures, the Spirit, and the interpretive community work together to discern the message and meaning of the Bible? How do we read the text carefully so that we can live it out with wisdom and faithfulness?
The workshop seeks to lay biblical, theological and historical foundations for Christian understandings of culture, while also facilitating practical exploration of specific spheres of Christian involvement in culture.
What does it mean to be a community of disciples engaging the mission of the church in the world? Why are Mennonite Brethren so specific about what it means to live as disciples? This workshop will focus on the key missional elements of discipleship as articulated in the Mennonite Brethren Confession of Faith, drawing upon the principle of letting biblical conceptual language shape the theological reflection of the believing community in discerning ethical and missional outcomes.
This workshop explores a selection of current theological issues. We will reflect briefly on principles that help us engage theological problems effectively, and on the landscape of contemporary Christian theological debate. We will then examine several major issues that are especially relevant today.
This course provides Christian leaders with a biblical perspective on planning within ministry organizations, the skills to develop a shared vision for ministry, and a set of practical planning and execution tools for making progress towards that vision.