MB Seminary Celebrates the Class of 2019

MB Seminary recognized its 2019 graduates during a commencement ceremony held at Central Heights Church in Abbotsford, BC on April 13. Six degrees were conferred by President Mark Wessner.
The ceremony was carried out with the four seminaries that work in partnership together to make up ACTS Seminaries in Langley, BC. Sixty degrees, diplomas, and certificates were awarded.
Jacquie Boschman, Master of Arts in Marriage and Family Therapy, is grateful for her time of studying at MB Seminary.
“The first thing that comes to mind when I think about my seminary experience is the personal growth that has happened because of being here. It’s been a really challenging experience for me and I feel like I’ve grown a lot. Growth and change can be really challenging, but when you come through it, you’re glad that you had the opportunity.”
2019 Graduates, Langley (ACTS)

Yeon Chul Baek, Master of Arts — Christian Worldview Studies (Korean), returned to his home in Korea and is continuing in his previous position as a police officer. He is eagerly serving the people around him with the Christian perspective and servant leadership skills that he learned during his studies.
Pierre Bissonnette, Master of Arts in Christian Studies, is currently serving in a street-level chaplaincy ministry to people struggling with addictions. Having come from this background himself, he is passionate about helping people overcome their addictions through the transformational work of Jesus Christ.
Jacqueline Boschman, Master of Arts in Marriage and Family Therapy, is currently serving as a mental health therapist within two schools in Edmonton, AB.
Spencer Epp, Master of Divinity (pictured to the right), is serving as Middle School Director at North Langley Community Church (where his wife Michelle is also on staff).
Suwit Raocharoenphorn, Master of Divinity, is working in his home country of Thailand with Campus Crusade for Christ.
Stephen Roukema, Master of Arts in Christian Studies, and his family have been living and serving at the Matthew Training Centre in Guadalajara with Multiply (MB Mission).
[MB Seminary is the national seminary of the MB churches of Canada.