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Navigate Faith and Life

Navigate is our medium for engaging in topics of faith and life that are relevant to our churches and community.

Navigate - MB Seminary

Open Dialogue

We seek to be a medium for open dialogue on important matters for individuals and churches.

Critical Issues

We wish to address critical issues that intersect church and culture.

Active Engagement

We invite you to explore alongside, enter into the conversation, and become empowered and equipped to make a difference in the world around you.



Recapturing a biblical vision of being human is essential for us to live well as followers of Jesus in a broken and confused world.

Four presentations are featured followed by a time for questions and responses.

In God's Image

Indigenous Relationships, Nov 2023

God’s call to “rightness of relationship” often begins with an invitation to listen. This webinar features stories from John Johnstone, from the Sto:lo Nation in British Columbia, and Billie Jo Isaac, from the Moose Deer Point First Nation on the shores of Georgian Bay in Ontario.

Listen To Our Story


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