Thoughts. Perspectives. Opinions. Feel free to agree, disagree, or add to the conversation as you see fit.

Jesus Doesn’t Care About Your Church Growth Strategy
Jesus established his church, and pronounced that the gates of hell will not prevail against it. (Matthew 16:18) In case anyone needs to be reminded, this is not a statement about the defensive strength of the church Christ is building, but rather a statement reflecting that the church will grow and prevail. Gates are portals […]

It Makes a Difference Who Says the Words
A Holy Encounter I was walking where Paul walked when it happened. My friend Tom and I were on the Egnatian Way in Philippi, Greece, where the Apostle Paul and his friends walked and talked almost 2,000 years earlier as they came to Europe from Asia Minor (see Acts 16:11-12). We were so deeply engrossed […]

Power to do the Impossible
One of Jesus’ most startling statements is found in John 14:12: “Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.” How can this possibly be true? If we only had this […]

Paul and Social Media
As I prepared for the closing comments at MB Seminary’s recent Navigate event (What Would Jesus Tweet?), I spent some time reflecting on Paul’s world in the first century. One of Paul’s primary interests was wrestling with how disciples should follow Jesus and be witnesses in the cultures and contexts they found themselves in. I […]

Choosing to Quit
I was raised to never give up. An image was displayed on my family’s refrigerator door that I still remember. A heron is being choked by a mostly-swallowed frog who is gripping its predator’s neck in a desperate act of survival. The caption? Never give up. We love inspiring images like this. Every story worth […]

Leadership and the God I See
Wherever you are as you read this, I want you to leave. I’m just joking—don’t actually leave! In your mind, though, leave this year (yes please, right?), leave your city, your work context, and if you are with other people right now, leave them too, just for a moment. In your imagination, go back to […]

4 Messages to Avoid During Church Finance Updates
Church finance updates can sometimes do more damage than good. The message often feels the same and can sound something like this: church giving is behind but there’s a chance to meet budget by the end of the year if everyone can just pick up the slack. Have you ever considered how a message like […]

The Cannabis Question
Many questions have been raised since the Cannabis Act came into effect on October 17, 2018. Various resources have been developed within our family of MB Churches to provide guidance to those asking questions and looking for direction. Articles Waking to Legalization: A Brief Theology of Dope – Rod Schellenberg (Hepburn MB Church) Substance Use and […]
Ten Principles for Discerning God’s Will Together
Whether it’s with a ministry team at church or with our own family, we regularly find ourselves trying to discern God’s will with others. In this blog, I will outline ten principles for helping us find God’s way together. 1. Encourage spiritual growth It’s important that we recognize that what people bring into a decision-making […]
All Will Be Well – Hope in the Era of COVID-19
A life without hope is a life doomed. As 1 Thessalonians 4:13 tells us: “Brothers and sisters, we do not want you to be uninformed about those who sleep in death, so that you do not grieve like the rest of mankind, who have no hope.” Pollyanna Hope Mankind is looking for hope wherever it […]